Friday, June 28, 2019


Hello it is Gillian. It is Friday and I can't believe we are leaving tomorrow!! Today went really well. We woke up and went to VBS for the last time. We played games, made bracelets, sang and taught the lesson through a skit. It was fun, and I think we really taught the kids some things, and honestly probably learned things ourselves. After that we went shopping at some of the stores that have souvenirs and stuff. We came home and super quickly changed to get ready for working on the steps. We got there and got started immediately. Everyone had a job and helped in various places. Yesterday, me and Brett started this retaining wall, and finished it today. I'm really proud of it for some reason. Everyone else finished the steps and filling them in with gravel, although there are so many parts and jobs going in to each thing. We finished everything just as a storm started, and it looks amazing!!! I'm so proud of all of us. We rode home and cleaned up then came to dinner--hot dogs and hamburgers. It was good, I had a hot dog. We are playing nine square right now although I can't because I'm writing hahah. Anyways, tonight we are presenting something to everyone else here to explain and share about our week. It should be really fun and cool!! alright peace out!! 

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